
Activity: Computer Health-age Appraisal

This simple test is based on data from the Alameda County Longevity Study, which related some lifestyle, habits with longevity. It is a good icebreaker and creates opportunities for counseling.

Your Coronary Risk This test informs the users about their risk of developing coronary artery disease, based on some lifestyle factors and heredity. Users at high or moderate risk are more open to counseling about their lifestyle.

Number of volunteers: 6-12
2-4 computer operators
2-4 helpers for filling out the forms
2-4 helpers to explain the results (on larger expos that helps to be faster)

This is always one of the most popular screening tests at the expo. If the expo is quite busy, this is how we like to staff so that people do not have to wait long time periods.

Have one or two staff circulating among those who are filling out the Questionnaire forms. This helps make sure the people fill in all the information properly. If incomplete Questionnaire forms are given to the computer operators, it slows down the whole process.

Two individuals familiar with computers and typing use two computers and printers. Very quickly they enter into the computer program the data from the Questionnaire forms and then print out the results on the special Results forms that the computer operators have.

One or two individuals can give back the Results form and briefly explain what the numbers mean. Then refer the attendees to the Counselors nearby for more detailed health advice.

Important: Be sure to keep the Questionnaire forms after processing them on the computer. They will receive the Results page, but you will want to keep the Questionnaire page on file since it contains their contact information and what seminars they would be interested in attending in the future. You can also use this data to find out in which topics people are showing an interest and plan your seminars accordingly.

Also familiarize yourself with the handout for your station.

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